Registration Form Registration Form Huisartsen Rustenburg Please fill in this form completely. Thank you! RecaptchaM / F / X(Vereist) Last Name(Vereist) Initials(Vereist) First name(Vereist) Date of birth(Vereist) Place of birth(Vereist) Profession Do you have a partner or child who is registered at Huisartsen Rustenburg?(Vereist) Yes, my partner / child is registreted as a patient at Huisartsen Rustenburg No, i don't have a partner / child who is registreted as a patient at Huisartsen Rustenburg Last name partner Date of birth partner Contactperson in case of emergency Name and phone numer: Adress(Vereist) ZIP code(Vereist) City(Vereist) Mobile phone nr.(Vereist) Email(Vereist)Insurance company(Vereist) Insurance nr(Vereist) BSN -no. (ID)(Vereist) Passport/ Driver's license no(Vereist) Name previous General Practitioner(Vereist) Please note the following! It is very important to ask your previous General Practitioner to send your medical files to our address. If not, it is difficult to help you. It is your own responsibility that your medical file of your former G.P. is sent to us! Adress(Vereist) Zip code(Vereist) City / Country(Vereist) Phone nr.(Vereist) Do you authorize Huisartsen Rustenburg to request your medical file?(Vereist) Yes I do authorize Huisartsen Rustenburg Pharmacy(Vereist) Adress, Zipp code(Vereist) Allergies(Vereist) Particularities(Vereist) Do you smoke?(Vereist)YesNoI / We prefer to be registrated with (name GP)(Vereist)Mw. S. van LaatumMw. M. NodsMw. H. BlanksmaDo you authorize Huisartsen Rustenburg to make your data available through LSP (National Exchange Point) after reading and understanding all the information on I do authorize my GP / Huisartsen RustenburgNo, I do not authorize my GP / Huisartsen RustenburgConfirmation emailThank you for registering with our practice, Please note that your registration is only official once you have received a confirmation email from us. This may take 3 to 5 business days. Don't forget to check your spam folder as well. Kind regards, Huisartsen Rustenburg.PhoneDit veld is bedoeld voor validatiedoeleinden en moet niet worden gewijzigd.